Land Development

Land Development
Paving the Way for Land Development
Verus Development Associates (VDA) seeks both undeveloped ground suitable for senior and multi-unit housing development as well as properties which require repositioning through development, redevelopment, re-leasing, or expansion in order to enhance the cash flow. VDA’s objective is to acquire a diversified pool of high quality strategic real estate assets throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region, and through the use of conservative leverage and aggressive portfolio management deliver high current and total risk-adjusted returns.
Market-Driven Land Development

Undeveloped ground or infill sites along with any property type with repositioning or conversion potential including older office buildings, manufacturing, warehouses, R&D facilities, multi-family, and retail. Targeted assets include:
Undeveloped raw land – zoned for multi-family and/or senior housing |
Vacant buildings | Class B or C apartment buildings in need of repositioning or redevelopment | Partially leased buildings with leasing risk for the balance | Partially or fully leased buildings with additional land for expansion | Stabilized “in-fill” buildings or sites
Geographic Preference
Prefer properties within two hours driving time of Philadelphia. Primary markets include the five Pennsylvania counties surrounding and including Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey north to Princeton. Secondary markets include: Wilmington, Lehigh Valley, Reading, and Scranton.